


The conversion was started in September-October 2007, with startup of the machine in November 2007. The time between the design phase and realization was very short and the deadlines of various suppliers had to be taken into account. Moreover, starting up the production line too late would have major financial consequences for the customer. Despite the tight schedule, the deadlines were respected. Oudegem Paper wanted to set an important milestone for the future of its paper mill in Oudegem by investing in the conversion of Paper Machine 7. Within this project, they kept three main objectives in mind:

- Obtaining improved product quality;
- Reducing energy consumption and environmental emissions per ton of paper;
- Productivity increase in paper production (up to 450,000 tons/year).


Location: Dendermonde
Surface area: 5.000 m²
Phase: Works completed in 2007
Client: VPK Packaging, Oudegem Paper nv

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2060 Antwerpen
